January 22, 2024

The short answer is everyone. If you have an online presence, you should have a minimum of a professional profile photo.

I recently read that within the first seven seconds of meeting you, people will have formed an opinion. YIKES! Like it or not, we are quick to judge and move on, especially online. If a website or profile does not hold our attention, we move on. I have to admit I recently was choosing between at a couple professionals to hire and I realized how much the headshots mattered. One photo can say a lot. It can say you are professional, friendly, dependable and you take your work seriously… or it can say the exact opposite. 

But the good news is that your headshots are something you have control over! 

Good lighting, flattering posing, a welcoming expression and clothing selection that fits your brand will help you stand out online and convey a sense of professionalism and competence. 

Actors, dancers, models, small business owners, authors, public speakers, anyone with a linked in profile… just to name a few. College students should have one as soon as they get started with internships and/or get a LinkedIN Profile. I have had headshots purchased as gifts for graduating college students, which is a great idea! I wish I would have thought of it.

A great professional headshot can help you land jobs, promote your brand and make connections. You should be using your headshots on your website, for business cards and on all of your social media platforms and email signatures. 

First impressions matter. People are swayed and influenced quickly. You have one chance to make a good first impression. If two people are being considered where one person has a polished and put together look while the other looks like a mugshot, the polished look is already one step ahead. This goes along with a responsive and easy to use website as well as current authentic social media presence. If we cannot get people engaged quickly and make it easy, they leave. Social media is the same way, if someone is looking to work with you and your social media posts are old or don’t match your brand the viewer is confused. They then move on.

Leaving a good impression is just as important. When networking and giving your business card out, your headshot better look like you and not be out of date. 

Somethings you can DIY, Headshots are too important to be one of those. 

If you email or communicate with someone you meet in person at a later date, you want to have the friendly face looking back at them as an email signature to remind them of wonderful welcoming person they recently met. A clear photo with a welcoming expression speaks volumes. 

The three women shown here updated their profile during out annual headshot event. It is an easy way to get a fresh new image and make sure you stand out as a professional.

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