It was very tough for mom to gather everyone together. I can image with 7 teens (or almost teens) whom now have jobs, sports, college and other events that pull them in all directions. I know I have a difficult time coordinating with just two! However, they pulled it off! We were able to schedule everyone on a Sunday night at Busse Woods which provided the most gorgeous fall colors. I am not sure who was in charge of outfits but they rocked it! Perfect colors for our setting.
And what a fabulous group of kids. They seem to have great relationships that will last them for years to come. Thanks to Mom and Dad for bringing them all out and creating some great images that they will be very thankful for down the road.

[…] Busse Woods gives me so many great places to go for portraits. For families that return to Busse Woods for another yearly session, they do not end up with identical images from previous years. Every time I end up with a different look due to the many different backdrops Busse Woods provides. A few years back I was directly behind me and with a completely different scene, read more here. […]